
Speech by H.E. Ali Rıza Alaboyun, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources

Distinguished press members, I am delighted that the first meeting of the G20 Energy Ministers has taken place  during the Turkish Presidency in Istanbul. We have just concluded our meeting. We have realized effective discussions all day long and adopted a Communiqué through which we have reached concrete results. Energy has a special importance among our G20 priorities. Turkey, as country with an increasing energy demand, is in a position of knowing very well the importance of energy security. We believe that in matters related to energy, energy security ranking first, the strengthening of international cooperation and dialogue constitutes an absolute must. In that respect we welcome the increasing role of energy within the G20. The participation and address of our President to G20 members and the private sector during the opening session of our meeting, demonstrates clearly the importance we are giving to this issue. On the date...

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’ın G20 tarihinde ilk kez düzenlenen Enerji Bakanları toplantısında yaptığı konuşma

Değerli Bakanlar, Dünya enerji sektörünün kıymetli temsilcileri, Değerli misafirler, Sizleri en kalbi duygularımla selamlıyor, toplantımızın ülkelerimiz, G-20 platformu ve tüm dünya için hayırlara vesile olmasını diliyorum. G-20 tarihindeki ilk Enerji Bakanları toplantısına Dönem Başkanı olarak ev sahipliği yapmaktan ayrıca memnuniyet duyduğumuzu ifade etmek isterim. Dünyanın en büyük enerji üreticileri ve tüketicilerini bir araya getiren G-20’nin bu toplantısının başarılı geçmesini temenni ediyorum. G-20, dünya ekonomisinin yüzde 85’ini, dünya ticaretinin yüzde 75’ini ve dünya nüfusunun üçte birini oluşturan gerçekten çok büyük ve önemli bir platformdur. Gelişmiş ve yükselen ekonomilerin aynı masa etrafında bir araya gelerek küresel meseleleri ele almalarına imkan tanıyan bu platformu çok iyi değerlendirmeliyiz. 2008 yılından bu yana G-20’nin attığı adımlar, küresel krizin etkilerinin giderilmesi ve özellikle de küresel finans sisteminin daha dayanıklı hale getirilmesi konusunda son derece faydalı oldu. Bugün dünyanın önde gelen ekonomileri arasında finansal ve makroekonomik konularda daha güçlü bir koordinasyon mevcutsa, bunda G-20’nin çok önemli...

Speech by Cevdet Yılmaz, Deputy Prime Minister Of Republic Of Turkey, at the Press Conference on the Outcomes of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 5 September 2015

Speech by Cevdet Yılmaz, Deputy Prime Minister Of Republic Of Turkey, at the Press Conference on the Outcomes of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, 5 September 2015

Good afternoon, distinguished representatives from media, Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to this press briefing and thank you for being here today. We have just finalized our work as Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors together with International Organizations. We have agreed on a communiqué which will be distributed to you towards the end of this press conference. As you all know, the 3rd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting under the Turkish G20 Presidency was completed half an hour ago and it has been a great pleasure and honor for us to host the G20 Ministers and Governors, senior representatives of the international organizations and their delegations in Ankara for this important gathering. I would like to thank all my colleagues that have contributed to very effective, productive realization of this meeting. The Undersecretary of Treasury and all the staff that contributed to the logistics, I thank...

Verbatim transcript of the speech delivered by HE Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey on the occasion of the Official Launch of Women-20 in Ankara on 6 September 2015

Verbatim transcript of the speech delivered by HE Ahmet Davutoğlu, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey on the occasion of the  Official Launch of Women-20 in Ankara on 6 September 2015

Distinguished Women 20 Delegates, Respected guests, First of all good morning. It’s a great pleasure to welcome you all, not only to Turkey but to this historic event. It is a historic event because it is the first meeting of Women 20 which is a new initiative under G20 umbrella. Initiated by Turkey during Turkish Presidency. We are proud of this initiative. For several reasons this is a historic meeting. First of all, change of the mentality. Then the operational aspect of this initiative. Without changing the mentality it is difficult to change the history. And without changing our main approach how we see woman in history, it is difficult to discuss gender equality. Throughout the history, unfortunately women have been seen as the object, as the affected side of the flow of history. And men have been seen as if they are the only ones who run history,...

Başbakan Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun W-20 Türkiye Toplantısı’nda Yaptığı Konuşma

Başbakan Sayın Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun W-20 Türkiye Toplantısı’nda Yaptığı Konuşma

BAŞBAKAN AHMET DAVUTOĞLU- … ilk defa bu toplantı yapılıyor ve Türk Dönem Başkanlığı olarak bunu başlattık, bundan da gurur duyuyoruz. Bu tarihi toplantının birkaç tane sebebi var. Öncelikle mantalite değişiyor, mantaliteyi değiştirmeden tarihi değiştiremezsiniz ve ana yaklaşımımızı değiştirmeden kadını tarihte nasıl gördüğümüzü bilmeden tarihi değiştiremezsiniz. Tarih boyunca maalesef kadınlar her zaman için bir obje olarak ve tarihin akışının etkilenen tarafı olarak görüldü ve sanki tarihi yürütenler olarak görüldü ve insanlık için esasında kararları alanlar ve tarihi akışı belirleyenler olarak görülmeliydi. G-20 küresel ekonominin lokomotifidir ve bu platformda eğer kadın olmazsa bu mantalite, yani eski mantalite devam eder, yani sadece erkekler gelecekte neler olacağına karar verir. Bu inisiyatifle biz bunu değiştiriyoruz. Biz bu inisiyatifle bu anlayışta ve mantalitede köklü bir değişiklik yapmak istiyoruz. Kadınlar ve erkekler Allah’ın yarattığı eşit varlıklardır ve hepsinin aynı haklar ve sorumlulukları vardır ve güçleri ve insanlığın geleceğini belirleme konusunda bu güçleri ortaktır. Aynı zamanda şunu...

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan’s Speech at the Annual Special High-Level Meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council

Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan attended the annual Special High-Level Meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) with the World Bank, IMF, WTO and UNCTAD which took place in New York on 20-21 April 2015 where he delivered a keynote speech in the plenary session. In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Babacan touched on the global economic outlook, focusing on the growth trends of both major and emerging economies, as well as the role that G20 can play under Turkish Presidency in complementing the global efforts on...

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan at the Press Conference on the Release of the OECD’s Going for Growth 2015 Report

Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan at the Press Conference on the Release of the OECD’s Going for Growth 2015 Report

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, Distinguished Members of Turkish and international media, It is our great pleasure to have the Secretary General of OECD Angel Gurria with us today. OECD is one of the most reputable organizations carrying out very valuable studies globally, country by country and team by team and the high quality of work that OECD is providing to the world, to many countries are very much appreciated by us and by the international community. As it has been a tradition for every G20 presidency, this year also OECD offered us to launch their report, to announce their report, which is now classically named as “Going for Growth” here in Istanbul together with us. The report concentrates on many valuable issues, including structural reforms and I would like to express my appreciation to Angel to his able, very capable team for preparing this report. As always, I...

Speech by Ali Babacan at the IIF-G20 Conference on “The G20 Agenda under the Turkish Presidency”

Speech by Ali Babacan at the IIF-G20 Conference on “The G20 Agenda under the Turkish Presidency”

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, it is truly a pleasure and honor for me to address such a distinguished audience. So many guests from a lot of countries around the world and the IIF membership is very strongly represented in this room. At the outset of my remarks, on behalf of Turkish G20 Presidency, I would like to welcome you all to Istanbul, a city where continents meet, a city where seas meet and a city where actually civilizations meet. I hope you have productive two days of conference here in Istanbul and also I hope that you have time to enjoy the beauties of this splendid city. I would like to also express my appreciation to IIF for organizing this event jointly with us. I have to mention that as the policy makers, we highly value IIF’s input to strengthen the efficiency, transparency and stability of the global...

Press Briefing by Deputy Prime Minister Babacan following G20 Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

Press Briefing by Deputy Prime Minister Babacan following G20 Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Members of Press, good evening and welcome. We have just completed the very first Ministers and Governors Meeting of G20 under the Turkish Presidency. We actually completed our meeting about one hour before the scheduled time mostly because our Deputies have done an excellent job of making the good work ahead of time and leave for us, for the Ministers and Governors not really a big debate at the end of the day. So, as all the G20 meetings, we finalized our Communique with consensus of all the members of G20. It’s been a very productive meeting, a very good start out for an entire year. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for all those who attended the meetings at different levels and we hope that by the end of this year, by Antalya Summit, Leaders’ Summit, we will be achieving quite a...

Deputy Prime Minister Babacan hosted LIDC Ambassadors in Ankara at a G20 Working Lunch

Deputy Prime Minister Babacan hosted LIDC Ambassadors in Ankara at a G20 Working Lunch

Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, very warm welcome. At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation to all of you for being here today with us. 2015 is a special year for Turkey for many reasons, but also especially because of the fact that we are chairing G-20 throughout this year. Throughout our presidency, we are going to be putting a lot of effort on the G-20 agenda. G-20 is a voluntary platform for discussing global economic and financial issues, and it has a very big agenda under 11 different headings. G-20 is discussing many issues of global interest and it works by consensus. G-20 represents about two thirds of the world population and 75% of the world trade, 85% of the global GDP. But on the other hand, G-20 doesn’t cover all the countries of the world. So, when we announced our G-20 presidency...